A while ago I went to Milan for a couple of days, another crazy idea. Well, it helps me a lot to practice the languages I am learning and studying on a regular basis, even just for a little while. And I love to see new things and get inspirations. So I can go on to develop myself, create new ideas and always get back into my mind although it sounds strange and some people I know don’t understand that exactly.
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We weren’t lucky with the weather, but nevertheless it was a nice time in the city of fashion. I have to admit that I wasn’t swept off my feet, only the basilica is really impressive. You really should visit it. And you can climb on the roof – either taking the stairs or the lift, but you have to pay more for going by lift. On the rooftop it was amazing. So many details, so many eyes you actually need. And you can spend a lot of money in this city, I didn’t, I only bought some things.

I’m not sure if I already mentioned it in the posts of Rome, but somehow I feel like the Italians and me, we’ll never get warm with each other. I can’t tell, why, maybe I expect too much. And maybe the people in the big metropoles are different than in the countryside. But I think that the Italians treat themselves and other persons really inattentively. The very way how they are driving cars – everyone thinks of himself. It’s my personal opinion and experience, which is based on observing and could be wrong, therefor I wasn’t often in Italy yet. But somehow is Italian the language I like fewest. If it’s because of the people – I don’t know. The fact is: I only study Italian for this semester and then no more. Then I will only concentrate myself on French, Spanish and Romanian. But I still want to go a lot of times to Italy. Call it a compromise.