We already talked about this thing, but I can’t be different. Between the stress of university and time to study I was invited to spend one weekend in Paris with my best friend. You don’t have to tell me that twice. I didn’t think about it because we got really cheap travel conditions thanks to Error Fares.
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What shall I say about Paris? Even though it’s crowded, exhausting and pretty french I love this city. I like the elegance which surrounds you, this Savoir-Vivre along the Seine, it’s like a turning stage. Sometimes you get confused and dizzy of it because you aren’t used to it (anymore), many people call it arrogance of French people. You can think about French or Parisians whatever you want but I mind this word “arrogance”. After the terror attacks in the last august many people don’t look anymore into the”Parisian Chic” like nothing happened. I only observe this uncertainness and fear, the wish that life is going on.
We had our hotel in La Défense, really expensive and quite good. Because of the few time we had in this city we just went to some tourist-points, I was in the Louvre for the first time. By the way, the entrance for all members of the European Union younger than 26 is free. I either knew that before. Even if I don’t like shoving masses and my art knowledge is limited in interests and some memories of the school lessons, you should have done that once in life.
